The Implementation of Collaborative Learning via Virtual Communities in Moroccan Higher Education

A Case Study of Undergraduate EFL Students



Collaborative learning, virtual communities, EFL students.


This paper focuses on the implementation of using collaborative learning via virtual communities in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) with a vision to identify three things: students’ perception, their active participation in virtual learning groups, students’ satisfaction with this new strategy of learning, and the relationship between gender and the latter. To answer these questions, the present research adopts a quantitative method using a questionnaire for data gathering and the use of IBM SPSS for data analysis. The findings of the present study demonstrate that students hold positive attitudes towards online collaborative learning, students are active participants in the online learning process; students are satisfied and able to develop many skills like, problem solving skills, communication skills, and critical thinking skills. Last but not least, the findings also show that gender does not affect the effectiveness of using collaborative learning in virtual communities. Thus, the implementation of this up-dated strategy of learning is useful and needed to fulfill the missing gaps in the traditional ways of teaching/learning English as a foreign language in the Moroccan higher education.


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How to Cite

LAACHIR, A. (2019). The Implementation of Collaborative Learning via Virtual Communities in Moroccan Higher Education: A Case Study of Undergraduate EFL Students. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 1(2), 60–73.