Teachers’ Multilingual Awareness in English Classrooms: Observed Practices




multilingual awareness, learners’ languages, English classrooms, observed practices


The use of learners’ language(s) in second/foreign language pedagogy has ever been a highly debated issue. On the one hand, the proponents of the direct method and audio-lingual method remained in the position to prohibit learners’ home language(s) in SL/FL classrooms while scholars such as Cummins (2007) and Garcia (2008) have informed the supportive role of learners’ languages in such contexts. Being informed by recent literature, this study was carried out to explore the practices of teachers’ multilingual awareness, particularly focusing on the use of learners’ languages in English classrooms. The findings of the study showed that Nepalese teachers of English are aware of multilingual practices in English classrooms. They were found to practice mother tongue translation, code-mixing or switching and paraphrasing as multilingual pedagogic activities. Considering the reasons for using learners’ language(s) in English classrooms, the study indicated that children’s languages help learners understand the concept, promote learners’ participation in learning activities, and create spaces for minority children in terms of language.


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Author Biography

Resham Acharya, Tribhuvan University

Resham Acharya  teaches English Education at  Tribhuvan University. He is   Teaching Assistant  of English Education and currently is working at Department of English Education. He has been involved in developing English language courses for secondary and university level in Nepal. He has authored English (language) textbooks, reference books and contributed to prepare course books particularly for university level. His publications and researches include the works on different areas of language teaching.   




How to Cite

Regmi, L. R., & Acharya, R. . (2025). Teachers’ Multilingual Awareness in English Classrooms: Observed Practices. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 7(2), 17–30. https://doi.org/10.36892/ijlls.v7i2.2044